MOOVPAD Projects Update

Chill Chill 😎

Hopefully you guys are having a great day so far, being Thursday, which is almost Friday, which is almost weekend... a man can dream, right? 🙂

Here's another of Work Music Lab's great mellow work tracks for us to enjoy while I update real quick.


Projects Overview

Last night was a chance to take a look at all the progress made across the different parts of the MOOVPAD project. It can be easy at times to lose sight of the overall picture when we focus on individual parts of a larger project, so it was good to be able to see how many different elements have progressed well during the last year, and even before.

Books, course development, code library for the desktop, mobile and online apps, user interface for the MOOVPAD web app, Kickstarter reward items, ongoing framework and patent development, and lots of other parts have been moving along quite well.

So... nice nice 🙂

Stay awesome

