MOOVPAD Projects & Progress

Working 😎

Hopefully your Wednesday has been great so far and you're making great progress with your work and projects. Here's the latest awesome release from Work Music Lab for us to vibe to while I catch us up real quick 🙂


UI Design Progress

To the left is another part of the UI design concept that I finished last night. This screen deals with news and information relating to a user's follows and group ('tribe') members on the MOOVPAD web app. You've probably seen the functional outline version of this screen in earlier posts, where the focus was testing the code only.


The other screen captures show some of the ongoing design being done on this current work in progress for the web app, and once I'm done with all the sideline tasks for the day, I'll be continuing on with that later in the evening.

Have a great day/night guys, and catch up again soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

