Cyber Creativity 😎

Hopefully this post finds you all happy and well, ready for a chill evening after a day's work, with awesome vibes like these from Music Lab.

With a few features already shared today about some of the creative learnings my end, I thought I'd also look at the main (and more straightforward) aspects of the MOOVPAD project.

Screenshot from 2021-09-22 23-15-04

System Structuring

The overall structure of each system has been set for a couple of weeks, although some additions are being made along the way. These will help to make sure that the initial versions of the apps can handle a core set of functions relevant to each type of user.

UI Development

The main focus at the moment is on building the UI for the pro version of the MOOVPAD app, and developing an efficient data structure. While SQL Server may not end up being the same as the final deployment solution, the data structure itself should be independent of these considerations. Whatever the final structure, it should function well on any type of server.


Creative Elements

I continue to learn more about different options when it comes to enhancing the user experience and incorporating some creativity into the user interface. Unity does include a UI Builder utility and I expect this may be useful later. Along the way though, I try to share some of the more creative things with you guys through the learning, and hope you enjoy these features as much as I enjoy learning them.

Stay awesome,