MOOVPAD Progress Summary

Chill Chill 😎

Some good progress again today with the important prep work for upcoming goals, and time to start the next coding session. And to do that, I always start with an awesome vibe like this one from Chill Music Lab. Let's take a look at what's on the agenda for the day's tasks 🙂


Markup For New Concepts

I managed to complete the necessary SQL prep, with all the essential tables now built and linked appropriately. There's still plenty of work for me to do in order to ensure these continue to meet the necessary goals moving forward, and there will of course be more tables to build as work progresses, but the main elements are now clearer and ready.

The next stages of the work my end are in two main branches:

  • Linking the already developed UI screens with the database as necessary, and sorting through the workflows
  • Developing some new concepts for inclusion in the UI screens, which will likely take some time to complete

Work is progressing well 🙂

Stay awesome,

