MOOVPAD Progress

That Kinda Space 😎

As the relaxation time continues, it's been great to get some good progress happening with MOOVPAD tasks along the way. This has been helped by some mellow vibes like this latest release from the awesome team at Chill Music Lab, who have always managed to deliver positivity and concentration-driven ambience for our work 🙂


UI Development & News

First, the progress. As you can see in the capture to the left, the newest section of the MOOVs UI has been added, specifically looking at strength workouts and the very basics of what information might be needed for users. Other features are already in the markup (as can be seen on the right), but these will be added into the UI as time goes on. The project appears to be taking longer than expected, but that's because I've been gradually adding more functionality as I progress.

In terms of news, I've been purchasing more parts and equipment over recent months to help set up for streaming and video recording in the near future. There's still a lot that I need to learn and there will be more than a few practice runs shared with just a select group of friends who know how to dish out the pain in a supportive way, to help me improve. But so far, progress on those tasks is going well too. I've invested somewhere in the region of $10,000 towards parts and equipment for these projects already, before even starting, and I estimate there will be around $5,000 - $7,000 more before the first live stream.

And of course... things only get more serious from that point.

"Nervous" doesn't begin to describe it, but hopefully some of you guys can come along and give me some feedback to help me improve too. I'll let you all know as things happen 🙂

Stay awesome,

