MOOVPAD Patent Published

Woopsie... Did A Thing ๐Ÿ˜Ž

I know, I know... but these are new naughties. Yep.

And with any of my new naughties comes renewed energy for more still to come ahead, and we celebrate proper with the vibes that Tiesto consistenly produces as only he can.

Let's see my latest naughty-ness ๐Ÿ™‚

Because Timing, Remember?

In truth, this patent was available for public access a few months back, but at the time, there were all sorts of things happening on multiple fronts, and so publicising this patent being released at the time would have gotten in the way of other things I needed to handle.

The new features disclosed in this patent have already been mentioned in brief as part of earlier posts, but never really discussed in complete details.

Soon I will give a better and more detailed description of some of these concepts although it's kind of difficult to go too in-depth in posts. That's because the algorithms themselves are sort of the easy part. It's the tailoring of their application to specific situations and contexts that complicates things (e.g. indoor vs outdoor training).

The upcoming courses will help explain things much better, so keep an eye out for those and progress with Kickstarter campaigns ๐Ÿ˜‰

Stay awesome,

