Working Chill 😎
Over the last 10 months or so, Work Music Lab has helped with focus on the goals while I work on my coding, science, design or any other kind of activity.
Hope you guys enjoy this latest release from them for your day/night as I round off today's updates with a look at the next chapter in the evolution of the MOOVPAD framework 🙂

Inner Geek Unleashed
Anybody visiting this site knows by now how much I try and control myself, preventing the evil nerd from escaping and bringing about the end of mankind as we know it... alright maybe not that serious, but it is pure evil at times anyway with the level of mentalicity it wields over me.
I promise to ask my inner geekaloid to refrain from causing too much damage as I explain some of the things that have been coming out of the behind-the-scenes work that I don't talk about very often. The poster to the left was part of a 2018 conference presentation I gave, along with a live run-through of part of the previously completed research as well. On this poster are the first set of equations presented as part of the NICER project for my PhD, and a further level of detail that was developed for the first MOOVPAD patent submitted a little earlier in 2018.
So far, so good, yeah?
Hopefully you're not already trying to shoot me. And if you are, remember that I'm actually innocent. It's the nerd's fault!
Since those first equations and the extensions of the first patent were published, there have been three more MOOVPAD patents with more extensions to this framework (two have been published and one is still awaiting public access release through IP Australia). And without getting into too much of the cerebrals behind it all, the basic gist of those additions were extending the framework in terms of the extent to which the algorithms could be tailored to suit different exercises, and to make corrections for resting state levels in physiology (heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure).
Today's coding has helped to refine my next complete patent submission, which I now believe I can have ready for Q4 this year. And this won't be the end of it either, with more to come after that towards completing the MOOVPAD project's initial important goals.
But that's enough with all that for now because I feel like the monstrous, evil, twisted brainiac (but kinda chill too sometimes) will break through the restraints and kill us all if I continue. May there be mercy on our souls, people 🥴
Stay awesome,