MOOVPAD Desktop App

Chill Work Ambience 😎

It's Friday, and all is well with the weekend starting and work progressing nicely. Hope you guys are all having an amazing start to your weekends as well and getting ready for plenty of goodness on the way. Here's the latest release from the awesome Chill Music Lab team for your work sessions today 🙂


Desktop App Updates

Given the progress already being made on the MOOVPAD web app, I think it's about time to move on to the desktop app and bringing some of the improvements made to the design, functions and user experience over to the desktop version. This will also help keep the code fresh in mind and prevent the need for unnecessary work down the track.

As always, I hope your work goals are moving along really well too, and all the best to you and yours 🙂

Catch up again soon.

Stay awesome,

