MOOVPAD Blog Overview

Work Chill 😎

I usually start off each Blog post here with some vibes that I find awesome enough to share with you guys, like this one produced by the team at Chill Music Lab. The idea with that is not to take any credit away from the creative people behind these tracks, but rather to share their work and highlight talent, as well as give visitors to this site something to chill to.

3D Projects

All of these things are more for the long-term goals I have for myself and the MOOVPAD project. And because I'm certainly not an expert at these skills and still learning, I like to share this journey and it's highlights with you guys to show the process I go through when learning to do new things. Sakari's Enchant (right) is one such render. There have been many other renders presented along the way too, just for you, while I learn to navigate this new area for the first time.

Screenshot from 2021-10-31 20-53-02

MOOVPAD Site & Coding

There's also a whole bunch of coding and preparation work being done for the range of MOOVPAD apps and this site itself. However because these things are done offline and not streamed, it makes it harder to share full files with you guys while trying to keep things light and interesting for new visitors too. So I usually update progress when I hit milestones.

MOOVPAD Publishing

These are the things that you will likely see first, and include patent development and the book too of course. Like the coding, these projects are also updated when milestones are reached or a particular work is ready to publish. More on these projects soon 🙂

Stay awesome,

