MOOV Workflow Data

Early Morning Session 😎

With yesterday's goals completed, it's time for a bit of a break with some of these awesome Chill Music Lab vibes while I plan out the rest of the day's tasks. Hope you enjoy the music as we take a quick look 🙂


MOOV Data Handling

A few hours ago, the new "specific MOOV" interface control was successfully linked with the methods used to build out the template MOOVs. The most important part of this was actually more than just the use of the new control to choose the right MOOV. It was mainly about building this link in a way that will improve the building of completely custom MOOVs by users.

Without going into too much detail now, this is going to be an important feature of the MOOVPAD apps, and the linking of this interface as well as the work to be completed today in terms of the data handling for these workflows is the other major piece of that puzzle (with additional small details to be covered later).

So I hope you guys have a great day ahead too, and I'll try and catch up again soon with more progress 🙂

Stay awesome,

