Progress & Chill 😎
Looking like an awesome weekend ahead with some real progress on work tasks and plenty of fun along the way too. Hope everyone enjoys this latest awesome ambience vibe released by Chill Music Lab as I catch us up real quick on something... kinda different 😉
Testing New UI Components
So last night and this morning were mainly about developing some ideas for how I would like the MOOVPAD Web App UI elements to be presented to the user for optimal UX. Now of course, there are already standard things like drop-down lists that could be used, and I could simply modify some colours to make them blend in. Or I could...
Yes peeps, I am that crazy, and will be building my own custom controls for things like basic drop-down lists. Desktop development already kind of allows this, but with some limits. However when it comes to web dev, the options are pretty limited. So I've decided to make my own... special approach to the whole... 'thing' 🙂
More on that soon hopefully.
Stay awesome,