MOOV Results UI

All Day Vibe 😎

Another really long day starting with a full morning of work followed by a decent amount of MOOVPAD progress, and I'm hoping you guys are ready to take some time to relax with me as we enjoy this latest Chill Music Lab release while I catch us up real quick on today's results 🙂


Interface Development

The capture to the left shows about 50-60% of the total lines of combined markup and code for this MOOV summary screen. For each markup element (e.g. a label), there may be multiple fields that need to be coded for (e.g. visibility, label text, label colour). Each of these fields needs to be declared and then manipulated through the code, sometimes multiple times.

And so that's how I've somehow ended up needing to use around 1,500 lines of code so far, plus the markup, with another 750-1,000 lines of code still to be written for this one screen. Mind you, this of course doesn't include any of the code for handling the actual MOOV itself, not to mention the saving, retrieving, and manipulation of the MOOVs.

I only explain this so that you guys understand when I can't share as often as I'd like to, but I'm always glad to get the chance to catch up 🙂

Stay awesome,

