Monday Coding Night

... And There Was Music 😎

Just before 8pm here in Sydney and I'm enjoying this Liquicity Events release from last year and wondering what goodness they may have coming up for us at the end of this year to bring in 2023. With every ending comes a new beginning. So I hope you enjoy this awesome mix from them as I catch us up 🙂


UI Layer - Interop Linking

Okay so this is probably going to be the last coding session for the night, and I'm thinking of making it all about the linking between the UI data entry elements and the UI Interop layer. What I mean by this is that now I have the code written to capture and organise the data entered by users on the UI, and the code to handle the calculations, I now want to send that data to the database.

As usual, all this coding happens offline and so I may not get to catch up with you guys again tonight. But I want to wish you all an awesome day/night ahead and I hope to catch up with you again soon.

Stay awesome,

