Meanwhile… You’re Awesome

... And Always Will Be 😎

It doesn't matter what others see, or what they do or don't know, as long as our true friends and we ourselves believe. know and trust in ourselves.

Hope this awesome TNT Records vibe hits home right for us while we take a moment to prepare for tomorrow.

Three Days - Three Objectives

Rather than bore you guys with specifics regarding the work over the next three days through Sunday, I'll just summarise it by saying that the first book is so close to being complete that I can actually taste it. And I'm proper hungry. So I'll be pushing very hard to get as much of this completed during these few days, hoping to be ready for final file formatting for publishing by the end.

Screenshot from 2022-02-27 22-23-35

I've been updating less often recently, but it's because I want to keep as much distance between me and true friends while I deal with those others.

My only real regret with this confrontation is that you have to witness it out here. But I also know that you understand the necessity.

Much love to you guys always.

Catch up again soon.

Stay awesome,


Future Disclaimer: At The Drop Of A Hat - Bare Back Neked ☠️

For those who might get in the way:

All the info is ready, links prep-ed, mind made up.

Test me at any point moving forward and I'll make sure I handle things out here in public, ride you bare back neked into history, and never let go.

All I need to add is a personal statement... and I already know what I'd like to say.
