Chorus: " the..."Β π
Hopefully we've had a great day/night so far as we start to get ready for the upcoming weekend and all the extra quality time to have some fun while getting our work done too.
This current stream from the awesome team at Chillhop Music is a great way to settle into this latest update on MOOVPAD π

Some New IdeasΒ π
So you know how sometimes, when you're focusing on one thing for a while, and you suddenly get this idea in your mind about something.... kinda different?
I've had a vision peoples, and I think this might be a little bit special. The idea came while working on the new framework extensions I'm putting together.
Here's what I know so far:
1. It might be a new way to present the information for the MOOVPAD framework to users through the apps;
2. Hopefully, this should also make it easier for users to get more out of the apps while using them;
3. I'm completely insane for even going there with this, but I sorta like insane.
More soon π
Stay awesome,