Long Nights

Work Vibe 😎

Trust you guys to snap me out of it... you had to go and be awesome as always. Wouldn't let me slack off even for a minute, huh? All good. Still mellow. Even the music. See? 🙂

Hope you enjoy this Fluidified track as a mood for the day/night ahead as I look at my own plans.

Screenshot from 2021-11-28 08-40-13

More Writing, Then Gaming

Not sure about your evening plans, but mine are going to be lots of work until I finish the writing and release this first book and then I'll allow myself some downtime later with a game.

Of course I'll be switching over to my other system for that tonight, but I have partitioned my files for this purpose.

So I think I'll grab a bite to eat, maybe whip up a quick veg stir-fry (won't bother defrosting meat this late because I don't like to defrost in the microwave) or just grab a late night burger then get back to work. I haven't been eating properly lately so I'll have to watch that.

Once that's done... I'll treat myself to a game.

Stay awesome,

