While lightbulb moments might lead us to new ideas, it's lighthouse moments that help guide us through decisions in life. It's those moments that often lead us to brighter days. That's a defining difference for me.
Hope you guys enjoy this latest awesome release from Cure Music, a channel I enjoy listening to often while I work 🙂

Programming & Productivity
The new framework extensions being developed are an example of some rarer situations in my life where my work generates a new idea as well as helping to guide future development along a better path ahead. For now, I can say that work on these new extensions to the scientific framework is progressing well and will strengthen both the underlying science and the MOOVPAD apps.
The potential new functionalities that can be added to the desktop and mobile versions are exciting and I can't wait to incorporate those.
So... hope you have amazing lighthouse moments too 🙂
And stay awesome,