Vibes For Chill Night Work 😎
Lofi Geek is a channel I've been listening to while working a bit tonight, and I hope you enjoy this station they have, as I do a quick update on some of the things happening my end.
So what does a long, long night of coding look like?

Mixing It Up
Besides a bit of Halo tonight, I also spent a little time working on the knowledge aspects of the MOOVPAD apps. The goal with these is to have at least a minimum amount of guidance available to users of the apps, helping them with the basics behind the algorithms and why they're used.
While some users may decide to purchase the book(s) in advance and use it for their own learning and progress independent of the apps, others will need some in-built support. The challenge here is to provide enough info so that it is usable to the majority, without being too much for the non-professional user to absorb.
Work my end continues 😉
Now though, it's about time for a little rest, and I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow (actually later today at this point 🙂 )
Stay awesome,