Kickstarter Campaign Rewards

Progress Vibes 😎

While working on sideline stuff for the next large chunk of the day, I'll also have some time to take care of a few other tasks along the way, and needed a good mix to set the mood. Luckily this awesome compilation from U:Fourier UK has us covered for the work ahead, and I hope you enjoy it while I update real quick 🙂


Reward Item Options

As you guys know, I've been working on some reward items for the Kickstarter campaign and these have included both digital and actual physical items. The plan was to include only those physical items that are easy to ship, so as to reduce overall costs and therefore improve the value of the reward items to the potential backers.

More recently, I have also been looking into the options available for branded merch, like hats and t-shirts, etc. These items are still only being considered as potential inclusions at this early stage because there would be a lot that goes into getting them right and a logistics process that would be much more complicated.

I have found more than one supplier of good quality products locally in Australia. I'll be doing more homework on these items before making any definite decisions, but these may help to setup future store items down the line.

Hopefully exciting times ahead 🙂

Stay awesome,

