Kickstarter Campaign

Long Work Day 😎

I hope you guys are having a great day and getting ready for an awesome weekend ahead, while we enjoy this cool orchestral composition from Pandora Journey that I discovered a short while ago and immediately thought it was worth sharing with you all. Uplifting. Let's take a look at the few tasks I want to try and complete at the end of a really long work day 🙂


Course & Summary Book

Because I've had a lot of hours spent on sideline work and most of what's left over recent days focused on the MOOVPAD v2.0 website, I haven't had much time to work on the reward items for the Kickstarter. So hopefully tonight, I'm going to try and get some more of the content into the course presentation slides.

If I get a chance, I'd also like to spend a little bit of time working on the Summary Book too, although that might be pushing it a bit too much since I also have an early start again in the morning. See how we go 🙂

Stay awesome,

