Journey, Destination and Outcomes

Goals & Milestones 😎

Hopefully we're all getting plenty of time to work on our project goals and trying our best to focus on the work needed to try and achieve those. This relaxing vibe from 'Elvenshine - Unfading Forest' might help us to settle into focus mode and perhaps work on those goals a little more intently so we have a better chance 🙂


The Journey and Destination, and The Outcomes

We often hear people speak of the journey being more important than the destination. This is something I personally believe is often true, and relates to my efforts to build MOOVPAD and have it support others through Corporate Social Responsibility objectives.

Often times though, people will tend to leave out an important part of that story. The outcomes. These are important considerations because even with the best intention and sincere efforts, we may go on a journey and even reach our destination, but the final outcomes may not always be what we expect or would have hoped for when we first set out.

As I've always said when my goals first became clear:

I am going to do my best 🙂

Stay awesome,

