I am #lame7

Quick Prelude: Seeking Permission


If you're visiting this site for the first time, and aren't aware of any of the back story, please include yourself in the above group of people... the ones I asked permission from to be able to express myself without causing them any offence. And please feel free to completely ignore the below 🙂

The Others Though:


Since the age of 7, I've been accused and called everything imaginable, and threatened with and/or actually faced every kind of threat imaginable. You've got nothing I haven't seen.

This statement... it's me owning all of that and taking away any power you think you have. Not only am I not afraid of you or your statements, I've been completely numb to your kind for a long time. And just in case that's not clear to you...


I've even added the 'TM' to make sure to protect anybody else who wants to use that, in case (heaven forbid) they find themselves in the same boat and feeling the same. This belongs to us, to use against you, in your face and the face of any name calling, bullying, rumour mongering, fake accusations, and threats. I'm starting a different kind of POSITIVE CONFRONTATION & SELF-AFFIRMATION program. And you know why?