Hold The Mayo

But How Tho 😎

The latest release from MixHound is an awesome track for your Sunday mellow.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday leading up to next week and Christmas holidays and celebrations.

Linux System & Personal Update

Thought I would do my first video update in quite a while rather than describing everything in text as usual. Personally, I am extremely uncomfortable doing these, but I know I have to get used to it gradually. So here's another attempt.

Blame the mash n' mayo 🙂

Threading: Back To Basics

Although I've experimented with multithreading for fun in the past, the MOOVPAD apps will apply this concept throughout and for realsies. So rather than relying on past trials, I've decided to basically forget everything I think I know and begin right at the beginning, with best practice methods from the ground up. That's going to be the next little chunk of coding time for me with the apps.

Catch you again soon hopefully.

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-12-19 19-28-21