
Tune Up 😎

Hope you guys are having an amazing weekend so far, ready for a great week starting tomorrow. This track from Chill Music Lab is from earlier in the year but shares a great little lesson on the meaning of harmony in music. Check it out.

Me... I'm taking today and tomorrow to tune the plans and harmonise 🙂

Screenshot from 2021-09-18 20-35-15

Setting New Goals

As I achieve one set of goals, I always try and take a bit of time to line up new ones, making sure everything is heading along the same sort of path. This doesn't mean that everything always goes to plan. It just means that I make adjustments as I go to keep things aligned with my overall objectives.

So I started off the day nice and early with a little bit of coding on the PAPE framework. This was more about getting a general form for some new code classes/objects that will be similar in structure and content. From there folks, the day turned into my first Halo session in almost 3 months (didn't realise how long it has been until I looked at the date in Steam 😱), and added beef kebab pizza with extra-hot chilli sauce just to make up for it. Extra large, with all the toppings. Still have a couple of pieces left for later too.

Don't judge me until you've tried it 😉

Also, how empty does my PC game library look with only two games in it! Gotta fix that I think.

Stay awesome,

