Progress Continues 😎

GitHub Profile and Resource Updates


Click the link above to view the full MOOVPAD GitHub. To find specific Repositories (the GitHub term for different sections of the code files uploaded), simply use the link at the top.

This main profile links to all the current and upcoming GitHub code resources released during development as part of the MOOVPAD Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, in addition to the Resources available above, enhancing transparency and forming some of the foundation of our CSR Community Education projects moving forward.


CodeMixTape - General Repository

The link above will take you to the general public-access code repository with the super-original name 🙂  As I find time during the development process, I will share handy things I use or discover along the way. Right now there are examples of creating custom controls as well as a XAML demo file.

MOOVPAD Resources

In the Resources section on this site (link at top) you can find a wide range of different items relating to the science, publishing, and patent development work that is ongoing in the background.

As more work is completed and more resources are developed, they will be added directly to this section. Be sure to keep an eye out for new items as they are added. The main area to watch for in the coming months is the Patents & IP section.