Had to be this one... 😎
You'll seee why down below, but this is another awesome vibe for you to enjoy as you read the update.
Here's to the "tryers" 🙂
Failed Hacking Attempts
Now if I had said anything, without some sort of proof, then it might have seemed crazy... conspiracy theory even, right? The graph above shows that on the 13th September (3-4 days ago depending on your timezone), there were almost 250 failed hacking attempts trying to gain access to the website.
You remember the last time I made a full disclosure statement, when I said that there were usually 1-3 attempts each day as a kind of background pattern? Now compare that with the above graph... nothing at all for a couple of days, then 240+ in one day (13th September), then back to almost zero again.
What other patterns can we observe on that day, and since that day? Just sayin' 😉
Issues Update
All but one of the "issues" experienced last night have been successfully resolved and overcome. And the remaining issue is a sideline matter that I'll get to soon enough.
The main message then:
It didn't stop progress. And in fact, the viewer counts actually went up again based on today's numbers (remember to check for the date when I show the next graph either this week or next). When a person works hard, the rest just falls into place.
Stay awesome,