Grateful For You
While I have come across many people in life that I would not wish on anyone, I am fortunate enough to know some awesome people and have a small but amazing family, and these together more than make up for the bad. That is an immense blessing. Just know that regardless of whatever else may be happening or yet to come, my gratitude won't ever change.
Hope this Nourish LoFi vibe helps to ease you into your work or play ahead while I catch you up real quick.
Upgrading Software
As I'm writing this post, I have a few apps upgrading to the latest versions. Most of these are auto updates but because I mostly work offline when I'm on Windows, I take these opportunities to ensure the latest packages are installed. These will likely be running in the background for a while yet, so I'm also using this time to plan some coding and writing.
It's so hot and humid here these days that the thought of being in a winter snow like that in the Nourish track above would be sooooo good. But at least I managed to get out for a haircut today 😉
That's nowhere near as good as that snow would be (although I'm just guessing as I only have vague memories of snow from childhood when we spent several weeks in Yugoslavia), but the new found scalp freedom helps a little 🙂
For now though, some more work for the rest of the night and then on to a bit of gaming hopefully.
Catch you guys soon.
Stay awesome,