eyo… DJ’s be laxin’ bruh

when DJ's express their state of lax' just right 😎

Continuing our celebration of DJ's doing things special special, I bring you the latest awesome vibe from Chilling All Day, released a couple hours ago and just in time for me to include it in our day of recognition of DJ's and studios doing things on a different level... way way up in it 🙂

Here's the latest bit of progress on our special day out 😉


Another One Down... Or Up 😈

Seriously, I could do this all day, and every day and never get enough of all the progress goodness.

So you know what... might just do this til it's 'done done' nice and proper. Just finished another explanatory page in the summary book and feeling kinda good about it too.

How about you guys... hopefully you're enjoying a day of great progress on your special projects and loving the deep vibe running through the day here.

It's been awesome so far to be celebrating a whole bunch of different DJ's today while we work. And even though I'm always sharing the latest mellow tunes and special releases with you a few times each day, this day is kinda... elevated at it's core 🙂

Lot's more still to come ahead too, based on the established rhythm we got going, I'm sure, so stick around.

Stay awesome,

