Exercise Modes & Levels

Work Chill 😎

I know it's been a while since I shared an update with everyone, but things needed to be worked on first before I could be more sure of the direction the work would be progressing towards. Let's enjoy this awesome release from Work Music Lab as I catch us up real quick 🙂


UI Interop Linking

The last several days have been spent developing more of the codebehind files of the UI Interop layer of the MOOVPAD web app, specifically addressing the exercise modalities and allowing users to set their desired levels for each. As I mentioned previously, in the online-only version, I won't be including any preset options.

Things are progressing well with the markup so far, and there's still plenty of work to do.

More updates later, but for now, just want to wish you all a great day and good progress with your goals as well 🙂

Stay awesome,

