Start Up 😎
A nice, leisurely morning that started a little while ago, ready for an awesome day ahead. Let's kick things off with this Jazz Coffee Shop extended track list while we have a quick look at what's already been done today and yet to come later on.
Sit back, relax, and chill, peoples 🙂
Code Clean Up
The problem with making a mess of things, especially when you know the consequences down the line, is that you have nobody to blame but yourself for those consequences 😉
Fortunately, I try and keep things organised when it comes to my coding at least, and that's where we begin the day.
Having explained the general approach to the development of the MOOVPAD web app yesterday, I started off this morning by just tidying up the basic format in the actual files, and introducing some new entry points for different sections throughout the website and app to be built. Pay no attention to the look of the pages I share for now, since these are purely function-oriented at this stage.
Like everything I try and do, function always comes before form. Just makes more sense that way 🙂
Catch up again soon hopefully.
Stay awesome,