Focused Start 😎
Hopefully you guys are enjoying your Sunday and getting some time to have some fun while getting things done, or maybe just chilling with family and friends. The work never ends for me and so I've had an early start to my Sunday and made some good progress. Let's take a quick look while we enjoy this station from Work Music Lab 🙂
The capture to the left shows some of the UI code that's being developed for testing, and this is being linked with the MOOVPAD code already written in the class library. As you can see, I've organised the code into specific sections (component specific vs app wide) to help keep things organised. The app wide parts will be used on pretty much all components, and so this organisation just makes it easier to port the code to other parts of the UI as I go.
Testing Components
While developing the MOOVPAD v2.0 web app in the early stages, I'm going to be using temporary UI screens and components like the one shown to the right. These will allow me to enter the data for testing and then use the code objects to do calculations and link to the data on the servers. Later today will see me adding more in terms of displaying results, but for now I can see the values in debug mode.
It's exciting to see some of the different elements of the overall MOOVPAD project, like this web app, books, course, new patents and more, all starting to come together. Of course I had an idea of what this would be like at the beginning, but seeing it actually happening is a different experience.
So I'm going to take a bit of a break for now and get some chores and things done, then get back to work a little bit later. Looking forward to catching up again soon.
Smile more often, and have lots of fun 🙂
Stay awesome,