Developing The Projects Section

Afro Vibes 😎

I discovered this YT channel today and thought I would share a different kind of track with you. This one is from Naesac who started earlier this year in April.

Hope you enjoy it as we take a look at an awesome day of progress today.

Artwork for Projects Section

Unlike preparing artwork for a custom website, working within WordPress means I need to adjust sizing of images and backgrounds since content in WordPress is focused within the center 1100px. This isn't much narrower than would be done anyway as current recommendations based on the most common screen sizes suggest using 1366px. Although I haven't used Photoshop for image prep recently, I might get some practice in with that package too.

Screenshot from 2021-11-28 08-40-13

PAPE Framework Coding

The day started really awesome though, with the focus being on the coding needed for the new extensions recently published. There will be plenty of goodness still to come, but I wanted to be sure to share progress so that it's clear I'm taking things seriously. There are plenty of things going on at once, but these are all progressing pretty well.

More happening later on tonight hopefully 🙂

Stay awesome,