Creative Night

Chill Night 😎

Hopefully we're all making some great progress on our current and new projects with a positive outlook towards great things to come and brighter days. This latest mix from 'The Man From Del Monte' is an awesome collection of tracks and will be a cool vibe for tonight's share... here we go 🙂

Screenshot from 2022-04-10 19-39-27

3D Fun

Having finished a long day with an initial bit of MOOVPAD work, then a full day of regular work stuff, then some errands for 'life admin', it's going to be good to just chill and take some time to be creative tonight. As I've already mentioned, these designs will be handy in the future when a 3D UI is incorporated into the MOOVPAD app.

At some stage, as things start to come together from all the different parts of the project overall, it will become clear as to why the work has progressed so seemingly disjointed.

For now, though, have a great day/night ahead and all the best for your new goals 🙂

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2022-04-13 02-01-32