Energy Needed To Cope 😎
OK people... it's been a good start to the day with the first coding session just completed. And while I share the update, I wanted to also bring you the latest release just dropped by these great artists Aly & Fila.
Hope you enjoy it as we see what's happening 🙂

UI Interop Layer
The capture to the left shows 3 parts of the same workflow set, with 5 other elements to the same workflow and 3 more functions to be added to the UI layer in this section. During the next few days, I'm hoping to sort out the current workflow so that gradual progress can begin on the next stages of the MOOVPAD Web App project.
The rest of the day is going to be focused on getting at least the first of those 3 functions shown sorted right, and then we'll see how we go from there.
Have a great day/night until we catch up again 🙂
Stay awesome,