Coding Progress

Goodness Vibes 😎

You guys know that with each post, I try and share my most recent music discovery. And today I'd like to share with you Fokuz Recordings and their most recent extended mix (although they've also release singles since and regularly). I hope you enjoy this mix and check out their channel which I hope to share more of in the future, and let's take a quick look at the progress from the coding session just completed 🙂


Interop Functions

After some writing tasks earlier, I got back into the coding and fixed up some of the previous errors happening with the interface and interop layers. The issue was that I was relying on specific elements and trusting the values they were outputting but then found a basic cycle to how these things change, which led to the errors that were initially hidden.

As we can now see with the latest updates, these have now been resolved and the updated interface is now displaying the results needed. The only issue remaining with my work on this table is making sure that there are consistent decimal places used in the figures. Of course there's lots more I still need to do for this section including adding the exhaustion data and getting the timer working. But for this second coding session today... nice progress made 🙂

Catch up again soon hopefully.

Stay awesome,

