Coding Progress

Elevated 😎

With three days to focus, I'm hoping to take more time to work on some really important tasks that I've wanted to work on for quite a while. Here's a mix from Kush Sessions that I hope everyone will enjoy during this quick post to start the day.

Let's see 🙂


Extra Learnings & Coding

Even though everyone might think the projects I'm working on are separate tasks, they are actually all part of a whole picture. Later on, this will become a lot clearer. Like parts of a program, they form components of a complete project. Coding work might not always be the main focus of my posts, but it is always at the core of considerations.

So today will be about making sure I review the code across at least the core areas of the main apps. Code projects can be difficult to get back into if we set them aside for too long without the necessary attention, and so I'm going to spend some time really focused on some of the key areas through my work today and later tonight.

Catch up with you guys again soon.

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2021-11-28 08-40-13