Coding Night

Progress Vibes 😎

It's been a really good day for both work progress and some much needed relaxation and downtime. And even though there's been plenty of work to get through recently and still lots more to come, Work Music Lab always have the right kind of chill background for that 🙂


UI Interop Update

Over the last couple days I managed to get some real progress happening with the class library and the UI markup for physiologic assessments. The main goal moving forward will be getting the database structured just right. Although the data itself will be different to what I used in previous years, I've developed an approach that I'm used to and that I seem to recall reading about at some stage.

The basic principle is to use an indexing table that links various parts of the data together but allows it to be broken up into individual parts. This is useful for multiple reasons. Not only does it compartmentalise and better manage database sizing, it also helps with making data analysis easier and more efficient later on. And since MOOVPAD apps will include analysis of physiologic and training data on an individual level as well as system-wide (without any location tracking or anything like that, just actual performance data), these considerations and others are important for planning.

Catch up with you guys again soon.

Stay awesome,

