Coding Fun

Always Learning 😎

One of the best things in life is discovering things for the first time. It's like when I started growing fruit trees. Although I have well over 100 now, each one is a different ballgame completely. Similar in some ways, but entirely new in many others. Hope you guys enjoy this latest awesome release from Chill Music Lab as we look at what's still to come later.

Screenshot from 2021-10-06 18-03-14

Coding & Scripting

So earlier on in the learning, I got to try working with different ideas for problem solving. And some of these things helped me visualise possibilities for MOOVPAD that I hadn't really thought of the same way before.

Unsurprisingly, coding isn't the most exciting part of it 🙂

But with perseverance, and a little imagination, who knows. And that is another amazing part of the whole thing. That idea of "if I just keep going... who knows".

Back to the grind then 😉

Catch up soon hopefully.

Stay awesome,

