Nighttime Work 😎
A late start because of some errands and a setback along the way too has meant that I'm actually a little behind schedule, so I have to put in some extra hours tonight if I want to reach the goals I had set for the day. This latest release by U:Fourier UK will certainly help with the energy needed for the work ahead. Let's see the progress so far 🙂
Data Injection Models
Whereas previous classes in the MOOVPAD library used variables exclusively, this newer approach of data injection and the recent tutorial have taught me concepts that I had previously set aside as unimportant at the time. In particular, the use of properties rather than variables, and the option to use IEnumerable declarations rather than explicit declaration of arrays for everything, and other cool lessons.
As a keen learner that picks things up quicker when they're applied hands-on, it's been really interesting to see the differences. The capture above shows the notes I'm keeping as I go along, to help with both learning the concepts and as a checklist for further work.
Hopefully we're all making great progress today, and hope to catch up again soon 🙂
Stay awesome,