Upcoming Research Projects

Research Project: Extended novel intervention for cardiovascular enhancement and rehabilitation (NICER-II)

Building on the work completed in 2014 for the NICER project, this new observational pilot will extend the NICER model in the dimensions of:

  1. programming, to include a novel strength training program;
  2. total duration, with a minimum program duration of 12 weeks;
  3. the application of an extended outcomes assessment model incorporating novel evaluation of mechano-physiologic efficiency, exhaustion, and first- and second-order adaptation; 
  4. recruitment, with the application of the trial in a community health setting with a broader set of inclusion criteria.

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Completed Research Projects

Research Project: Novel intervention for cardiovascular enhancement and rehabilitation (NICER)

Completed in 2014 as part of the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree completed by Dr Ehsan Hamdy, this project comprised 12 separate studies investigating exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Due to the size of this project, we've presented each part separately to make it easier for those wanting information about a specific part of the work.

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