Tracking Nicely 😎
In the mood for a celebratory vibe today? Can I suggest this awesome mix from The Grand Sound for your day/night of work and creativity? I've had today and tomorrow off from my other work as well... so bonus 😉
This is the track playing right now as I update everyone on progress my today and plans for tomorrow too.
Storyline First
There are several important sections to a Kickstarter campaign that require some careful planning. One of the most important of these is of course the Story of the project and who is behind it. So I've chosen to start with this section so that everything else can be developed to fit this outline script. There are other important bits too.
Imagery & Video
During the rest of today and tomorrow, I'll also try to plan out some of the images and potential video to describe the project and how the different elements to be included in the campaign actually relate to each other.
There may also be some time to go over previously draftetd course outlines for the PAPE framework and consider how these can be simplified for a general audience.
Lots of work ahead, so I'd better get back to it, and I'll catch up again with everyone a little later 🙂
Stay awesome,
Future Disclaimer: At The Drop Of A Hat - Bare Back Neked ☠️
For those who might get in the way:
All the info is ready, links prep-ed, mind made up.
Test me at any point moving forward and I'll make sure I handle things out here in public, ride you bare back neked into history, and never let go.
All I need to add is a personal statement... and I already know what I'd like to say.