Building Nav Menu Functions

Always The Vibe 😎

With the recent chance to focus on some of the most important development points for MOOVPAD, it was great to put together some ideas and plans for progress ahead, and I thought I'd share some of those with you while we enjoy another of those awesome Chill Music Lab vibes 🙂


MOOVPAD Dashboard Building

This capture shows some of the current development goals for functions across the MOOVPAD Web App, and these will be built on further for the desktop and mobile versions in the future. It was very important to get these points setup right and as early as possible in the process. And of course, the easiest place to start this work is with the nav menu.

These may change a little as development work continues but as those who have followed progress here for a while know, the main goals for MOOVPAD were set quite a while ago and have only grown further over the last year.

So that was me celebrating little milestones, and I'd better get back to work 🙂

Catch up again with you all soon hopefully.

Stay awesome,

