Blog now active

About time, right? 😉

MOOVPAD will now be updating this blog with app development news and other related projects, and linking these with posts on any active socials. While this wordpress site, with limited editing capabilities generally, is a temporary placeholder for the future MOOVPAD web app, one useful feature is this blog. Updates here will usually be kept short and sweet. For more technical details about the dev work, I’ve started with the first GitHub relating to the Xamarin projects for mobile devices. Here is the link:

A full update of this site is being planned, and will likely happen around the same time as the launching of the first app (stay tuned). Work is also moving well on the publishing of the first PAPE book, with more details to follow in future posts.

Feel free to leave any comments or questions below and I’ll try to get to them as soon as I can.

Stay awesome,