Blender Projects – Review

3D Creativity Mellow 😎

As far as Fridays go, this has been a decent one to end this week for me, and I hope yours was an awesome one too. Here's an awesome vibe to chill with while we take a look back at some of the completed and in-progress Blender projects we've covered together since the Blog was re-activated nearly 2 months ago. I mean, besides the two I shared earlier today...

Screenshot from 2021-09-23 21-54-50

Rolling Nested Emissive Cubes

I'm covering this one first because I spent 4 hours rendering the animation (i.e. where the program puts together all the frames into the final animation).  The idea was to test out how combinations of emissive objects would interact with each other in a final render. The finished product is the YouTube video below.

Unity Ring Walkway

This project was all about building an object in Blender (the double-lit rings) and exporting that object into Unity as a prefab. The export (FBX file) was successfully imported into Unity and materials will be applied in that interface rather than in Blender (since the Blender materials don't export too well for me so far).

Screenshot from 2021-09-29 07-52-27
Screenshot from 2021-09-29 09-10-12
Screenshot from 2021-09-30 08-16-11

Light Through Rippling Water

This project was mainly designed to test the simulation of light passing through rippling waves of water from above an object. As you can see, once the volume effects of the water are added, I think the effect will be quite good in the finished product. The project will form part of a larger animation to be rendered later.


Energy Core Sci-Fi Loop

Composite scene are becoming easier for me to put together, and this one is a combination of several materials, meshes and efefcts to form the scene shown below.

This project will also form part of a larger project later.

Screenshot from 2021-09-28 08-06-36
Screenshot from 2021-09-26 05-52-56

Character Meshes - Heads

Earlier today I showed a new technique I was practicing to form base-meshes of a whole body. This project shown below and left was a similar learning task for me, where the focus was on forming a template mesh of a male head for future character building exercises.

Screenshot from 2021-09-26 06-14-18

Animated MOOVPAD Logo

This very short animated sequence in the YouTube upload below was the first fully rendered and finished animation for me. The goal was purely to test how well my computer (running an older 3900x and only a 3060Ti) would handle the task of rendering animations (spoiler alert, it works but struggles with a very detailed scene and longer timelines).


Light Saber

My first use of imported materials and actual finished render was the light saber shown here. You might notice the imperfections in the finished project, caused purely by inexperience and taking on a fairly complex shape very early in the learning journey. However it did teach me quite a lot about Blender and how to use it's UV Editor.


There have been other projects that I've shared (like the sample button to the right), and more that I haven't. But so far the learnings in Blender have been progressing pretty well I think, and my confidence with the program is steadily growing.

God help us when I really start 😣 😆 😈

Stay awesome,

