Late Night Vibes
After putting in my fair share of work today, I'm going to leave you guys with these night time vibes and hope you have a great day or night ahead.
Let's see what's been happening my end...

Coding Progress
Tonight the goal was to finish working on the code for building up the training week in the UI and with the exception of testing, that goal was met. Things should be OK but I'll need to run the debugging while I'm more awake because right now I'm exhausted mentally. We'll see how things go tomorrow.
New Blender Tutorial
Once I realised I couldn't keep coding without my brain overheating, I decided to switch over to creative mode and start doing a new beginner's tutorial. This one is part of a series where the instructor walks through different parts of setting up lighting and shaders, textures and so on. And...

Result So Far
Again because I'm too tired to focus properly (it's after 2am here now), I stopped after reaching a point where I could still remember the important points I learned (ambient occlusion, HDRI, snap tool, etc.). But really enjoying Blender and the whole process of 3D design.
Stay awesome,