Blazor: Because Razor Is So 15 Minutes Ago

Like... Literally 😎

Hear me out for a sec... so I was doing some research about all sorts of things today and came across an issue that may cause problems down the line. Do I let it build and pass it to future me down the line, or fix it now? That's right... I find an awesome vibe like this latest one mixed by Fitchett available through 'the man from del monte' and get to work 🙂


Single Page Applications (SPA)

The issue I found was that even if the current framework of algorithms and the data generated could be handled with simple data passing using HTTP requests, most of the stuff to come will add to that data exponentially. So if I want to get that handled properly, I'm better off keeping any data calculated or retrieved from a database on the client side once it gets there.

That's where SPA's come into play. These kind of work similarly to the way a Windows Forms app would, with different UI forms or panels that load and change dynamically based on user interaction. And once data reaches the UI, it can be kept client-side and the UI would change independently, and any necessary data can then be passed back to the new UI page/panel/form. See that... I only used half of my 3 brain cells for that one 😉

So my learnings... they continue... but tomorrow 🙂

Stay awesome,

