Azure Friday

Ambient Mellow 😎

Hopefully we're getting ready for a great Friday with some progress and fun too, getting set for an awesome weekend ahead as well. This Ambient Music Lab background vibe is the one I have playing right now as I prepare for some light study tonight and then some non-work chill time 🙂

Screenshot from 2022-06-23 20-54-51

Azure App Service

The main short-term goal for my Azure learnings is to cover the Azure App Service module that's coming up soon in the series. I've been progressing through these in the order they're presented because they seem to build well when taken that way. So That's going to be the start of the night although I don't think I'll get to reach that module until tomorrow because... it's also chill Friday

If I get the chance, I'd also like to go over some of the things I set aside earlier this week and last week too. Things like the checkout coding but trying to find material specifically related to the Blazor framework.

Catch up with you guys soon, and have a great day/night 🙂

Stay awesome,


Screenshot from 2022-06-20 09-05-32