Description of the AEPM
The Aerobic Exercise Prescription Matrix (AEPM) is a tools based on the separate Cardio-Met patient classifications, both of which were applied to outpatient cardiac rehabilitation (CR) patients in the NICER project for the first time. It is intended to provide a simple indication (suggested guides only) of an appropriate level of intensity to prescribe aerobic exercise on the treadmill and cycle ergometer for CR patients. Although figures are shown for all three stages of the novel rehabilitation program, the actual intensities used in S2-S3 will likely be different (see below).
Using the AEPM tool

In the figure above, we can see that the process of using the AEPM involves three basic steps as shown:
- Decide which Cardio-Met classification applies to the patient or individual;
- Select the mode of exercise (i.e. endurance or interval training, using the treadmill or cycle ergometer) and the particular stage of the program the individual is starting (i.e. S1 = establishment phase, S2 = enhancement phase, S3 = consolidation phase);
- The specific selection will then provide a guide to the suggested 'percent of target work rate' or %TWR, derived from the patient's effective functional capacity (EFC) assessment, for use when applying the clinical aerobic periodisation (CAP) plan to prescribe aerobic CR exercise;
- You'll notice that there is also a 'Patient Training Level' indicator at the right, which is used to inform patients of their performance and to motivate them to seek improvement of this assessment with time.