241209 – MOOVPAD Apps – Security Framework

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101: MOOVPAD Will Be Hacked

Although my own learning continues in terms of cybersecurity systems and processes, and despite the new systems being developed internally to help automate and reinforce standard security measures, as well as the fact that MOOVPAD will in future employ suitably trained professionals and utilise reputable third-parties to enhance security across the apps and infrastructure... the operating assumption is that MOOVPAD will inevitably be hacked.

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If national governments, institutions and large corporations are getting hacked every single day, with no entity seemingly immune, then there's no reason to think MOOVPAD will not be targeted. The main screenshot above shows that despite all the coding and app security features already developed and yet to be integrated in the future, they form only a small part of the overall security framework. A large portion of this framework is actually about choosing the right mix of policies, operational and systems structure, and then adding all the possible security measures on top of this all as a foundation.

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Plus lets keep in mind that although I'm doing all the research and development now, the team that will actually handle all of these areas will be professionals. Overall, the goal is to start by making it difficult for hackers to gain access, make any data accessed useless to them (and therefore the exercise pointless), and to have backup systems ready at every level to account for any interruptions. Managment systems will include infrastructure and asset audits, threat intelligence, and extensive and ongoing team training across every specialty. These pro's will make everything I've been doing so far look like absolute child's play.

And then... the secret sauce 🙂

Stay awesome,



For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.