240810 – MOOVPAD Web App – Building Responsive UI

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Updates & More Functions

When the MOOVPAD project first began, I initially worked on the online-only version. This MOOVPAD Web App took the longest time to build because it was also the time when most of the learning was happening. Not just the progression from Razor to Blazor Server and then eventually Blazor WASM... but also things like server-side technologies and infrastructure, as well as the development of custom UI animation methods.

My learning has of course continued since, and I've come to realise that some of the things I was hoping to achieve with the online-only version simply can't be done. There are limits when the app is designed to work within a web browser. For example, I can't include an SQLite database on the client device with Blazor WASM. This means that although I was really hoping to be able to give MOOVPAD general users the ability to store data locally with the free version of the app, this is simply not possible. So data storage for this MOOVPAD Web App will necessarily be limited, and on the server side.

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Although that is a negative, I've also learned more about how to achieve some of the other things I wanted to offer users of the free version, and in a better way. So whereas the original plan was to focus the MOOVPAD Web App on the desktop, I can now start to refactor the UI code and designs to allow better functionality of this version on mobile devices too. That means I'll need to start a bunch of re-work on the UI. But at least I have one format (desktop/laptop), of three, covered.

Because as usual, my life is super easy and straightforward 🙂

Stay awesome,



For the overview of how MOOVPAD apps are being developed, the reasoning behind particular decisions during development, policies, and more in relation to all the technical things, please see the link to the left.

This will be an ongoing work in progress, and will always be linked to the bottom of each upcoming Blog post.